Ways Of Earning Serious Money

1. Being motivated by money is actually an awesome thing. It doesn't mean
your greedy, rude, or EVIL...

The reason behind this is, to make any kind of money you have to provide what
is called "Use Value".

Use Value basically means in simple math $100 in cash value is = $101 or More in something that makes the person themselves feel more than the $100.

Another way to say it is this... When a person gives you $5 for a pack of cigarettes (Just an example I'ma smoker & Love myself)....

They are saying this $5 cash value = more than $5 in pleasure, fun, and other stuff not need to say.

So in order to make ANY money you have to provide some sort of use value. Even if you're a janitor.
Boss is saying, "Paying you 1.50 an hour is worth more in use value (clean facility) than the cash value
of keeping the money myself..."

Case in point being Money motivated really means, you are VALUE motivated.

2. When you say, "Only for the money," in a way that can sound discouraging (I'm not saying you meant it that way)
A person who has not developed themselves enough to understand point #1 will immediately think...

"Learning is more important than money, so don't worry about money..."

Now, remember I congratulated you for saying that. Not to be your "Dad" and say, "Don't do those things... :( "

No, to say this...

YOU ARE ACTUALLY CORRECT! (Not the best wording, but spot on the money partner congratulations)

Here's why...

Learning actually is what creates internal use value... Bam! Bingo! Shut the front door!

Why is that important?

Remember point #1...

When you have your own "Internal (Inside) Use Value" you just RAISED your cash value level!

Now, you can charge _______$ more on whatever you have learned to do.

Perfect example...

High School Diploma - Wal-Mart, Mc Donanld's, Fed-Ex Type of Job

Bachelors Diploma in Psychology - High School Psych Teacher, or Guidance Counselor

Masters Diploma in Psych - College Professor in Psych

Doctorate in Psych - Clinical Physiologist

Strong Future is really giving us a VERY Strong Future. Essentially you're gaining BETTER than
an MBA for free just with launchpad.

How do I know?

Part of my business model is working with OFFLINE small businesses. I Am a certified business success coach.

I know what those, "We went to college, and now we run a "Donut Shop" business people are like..."

Honestly, just the lesson in Launchpad called... "Get Rich Quick... Not!" Proves even those... "Professionals" don't
even get it.

(95% of Small Businesses fail. 100% of them Would succeed with education and correct judgement)

Another Gary's Tips Lesson, "Work with The Workers"... Actually trains even small businesses how to
properly manage employees.

Robert Kiyosaki (Please watch either his Rich Dad YouTube Channel or Read his Rich Dad articles if you're serious about Strong Future)

Anyway... Robert literally says the reason why he endorses network marketing (in my own black layman terms)...

It's a cheap way to learn REAL business skills...


Keep learning you're doing great!!
By: Justin H

I like earning serious money by building me a team. I also can make money
by helping other people build their teams as well. You see, you can earn residual and leverage income by team building. That is a great way to build
wealth long term. How would you like to build wealth for yourself? With the help from me now you can. By; Julius Johnson



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